Directional Mixer

This tools applies $S$ max-$r_E$ beampatterns to the Ambisonic sound scene. It can be used as an Ambisonic “directional mixer”. This means that a directional filtering is operated to enhance and reduce some directions according to the chosen beampatterns1. The proposed beampatterns are on-axis normalized max-$r_E$ beampatterns of degree $L_1$

Figure 1: max-$r_E$ beampatterns for $L_1 \in [0, 1, 2, 3]$. Their steering angle is set to $(\theta=0^\circ, \phi=0^\circ)$. The beampatterns are axi-symmetric in 3D is plotted as ballon plot. For readibility, a cut on the horizontal plane is shown here.

as shown in Fig.1. They have an high side-lobe attenuation while maintaining a narrow main lobe2. For $L_1 = 0$ the beampattern is omnidirectional. The higher the beampattern degree, the more selective the directionnal filtering. At execution time, the steering angles ($\theta, \phi)$, the degree $L_1$ as well as the gain in dB of the each $S$ beampatterns can be changed. This directional filtering effect requires a higher degree of re-expansion $\tilde{L}$ for the filtered sound scene such that1:

\[\begin{equation} \tilde{L} = L + L_1, \end{equation}\]

where $L$ is the input Ambisonic sound scene degree and $L_1$ is the beampattern degree. However, it is possible to choose the same degree for the output ($\tilde{L} = L$) with reasonable results.

Compilation parameters

  • S: number of beampatterns to apply on the input sound scene,
  • L: maximal Spherical Harmonics degree for the input $(L > 0)$,
  • L1: maximal max-$r_E$ beampatterns degree ($L1 \geq 0$).

In the current implemtation $L + L1 \leq 10$.

Warning: the compilation can last several hours as $L_1$ and $S$ increase. Don’t forget the flag -t 0 with the faust2... scripts.

Inputs / Outputs

  • Inputs: $(L+1)^2$
  • Outputs: $(L+L_1+1)^2$ or $(L+1)^2$

User Interface

For the $i$-th beampattern:

Element OSC Min value Max value
Gain (dB) gain_i -10 10
Azimuth $\theta$ ($^\circ$) azimuth_i -180 180
Elevation $\phi$ ($^\circ$) elevation_i -90 90
Degree $L_1$ degree_i 0 L1
On on_i 0 1

Example of use

Let’s start with a sound scene a degree $L = 7$ composed of several unit-amplitude plane waves with various direction of arrival.

Figure 2: Input sound scene at degree $L=7$.

The square normalized amplitude of this scene is shown in Fig.2. Now we apply two max-$r_E$ beampatterns on this scene:

  • Beampattern 1: degree $L_{1,1} = 1$, of amplitude $g_1 = 0$ dB, steering angles ($\theta_1 = -135^\circ$, $\phi_1 = 45^\circ$),
  • Beampattern 2: degree $L_{1,1} = 2$, of amplitude $g_2 = 10$ dB, steering angles ($\theta_2 = 75^\circ$, $\phi_2 = 0^\circ$).
Figure 3: Output sound scene at degree $\tilde{L}=7$.
Figure 4: Output sound scene at degree $\tilde{L}=9$.

The square normalized amplitude of the resulting sound scene is shown in Fig.3 at degree $\tilde{L} = 7$ and in Fig.4 at degree $\tilde{L} = 9$.

  1. P. Lecomte, P.-A. Gauthier, A. Berry, A. Garcia, et C. Langrenne, « Directional filtering of Ambisonic sound scenes », in Audio Engineering Society Conference: Spatial Reproduction, Tokyo, 2018, p. 1‑9.  2

  2. J. Daniel, J.-B. Rault, et J.-D. Polack, « Ambisonics encoding of other audio formats for multiple listening conditions », in Audio Engineering Society Convention 105, San Francisco, 1998, p. 1‑29.