
This tool rotates the $L^\text{th}$ degree Ambisonic scene around the $z$-axis (yaw angle), $y$-axis (pitch angle) and $x$-axis (roll angle),

Figure 1: Yaw, Pitch and Roll angles.

according to Fig.1. Driven with OSC from head-tracking signals, this tool can compensate the head rotations during binaural playback. Implementation according to 1 with corrections.

Compilation parameters

  • L: maximal Spherical Harmonics degree (i.e., Ambisonics order, $L > 0$)

Inputs / Outputs

  • Inputs: $(L+1)^2$
  • Outputs: $(L+1)^2$

User Interface

Element OSC Min value Max value
Yaw angle ($^\circ$) yaw -180 180
Pitch angle ($^\circ$) pitch -180 180
Roll angle ($^\circ$) roll -180 180
  1. J. Ivanic and K. Ruedenberg, “Rotation matrices for real spherical harmonics. Direct determination by recursion,” J. Phys. Chem., vol. 100, no. 15, pp. 6342–6347, 1996.