Quick Start


ambitools is a collection of tools and audio plug-ins for 3D sound field synthesis using Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA).

The plugins are written in the Faust language, which allows them to be compiled for a multitude of architectures and platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, WebAudio, embedded systems, etc.)

Moreover, the code is written in a scalable way: there is no limit to the maximum Ambisonic order! Other tools are also available, such as a 3D Visualizer written in the Processing language. Enjoy!

Pierre Lecomte


Faust tools

For now, the only way to get the plug-ins is to retrieve the ambitools source code, edit the plug-ins compilation parameters in the Faust code and compile the tool to the desired plug-in format. To do so, you’ll need to install Faust.

Processing Visualizer

To install the visualizer, the sources are needed: see the download page. Then, you will need to install Processing and compile the script.

ambitools Conventions

The following section details the conventions used in ambitools.

Spherical coordinate system

Figure 1: Spherical coordinates used in ambitools.

The spherical coordinate system in use (see Fig.1), a point at $\mathbf{r} = (r, \theta, \phi)$ is located by its radius $r$, with $r \in [0, \infty[$, its azimuth (longitude) angle $\theta$, with $\theta \in ]-180, 180^\circ]$ and its elevation (latitude) angle $\phi$, with $\phi \in [-90, 90^\circ]$, such that:

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &x = r \cos(\theta) \cos(\phi), \\ &y = r \sin(\theta) \cos(\phi), \\ &z = r \sin(\phi). \end{aligned} \label{eq:spherical_coordinates} \end{equation}\]

Spherical Harmonics

The spherical harmonics used in ambitools are real-valued, $4\pi$ normalized. See more details and definitions in ylm.lib.

Ambisonic “order” or “degree”?

In ambitools, the maximal spherical harmonics degree, denoted $L$, corresponds to the Ambisonic order, from Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) denomination.